Discover the importance of a well-structured sales funnel for selling your course (and how to make sales by the truckload)...
Learn to map out a sales funnel for your course (and how to create the key components for each stage).
Unlock the secrets of crafting persuasive sales copy at the click of a mouse (by leveraging the AI Genies to accelerate the entire process).
LIVE DEMOS of specific AI Genies like the Million Dollar Offer Genie to do the job for you - Fast!
Get your burning questions answered about creating a sales funnel for your course during the live Q&A session.
Don't miss out on this exclusive training with Jim Edwards.
Watch on-demand and start maximizing your course sales and conversion rates.
Reserve your spot now!
Bestselling Author & Marketing Expert: With 100,000s of book sales, Jim is known for his pioneering, from-the-trenches expertise.
Industry Innovator: Selling ebooks since 1997 as a trailblazer in the self-publishing world, Jim has transformed entrepreneurial publishing.
Engaging Mentor: Known for his dynamic and accessible style, Jim inspires authors and entrepreneurs with practical, success-driven insights that get results!
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Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved - Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC